Forward-Looking Technology Anticipates Compliance Needs
When a company stakes its reputation on delivering innovative technologies, products, and services, the specter of a changing regulatory landscape is considered more an opportunity than an obstacle. In this Water Talk interview, Mirka Wilderer, CEO of De Nora Water Technologies, discusses varying topics such as pharmaceuticals and nutrients in wastewater, the synergy of the company’s new MIOX and Neptune acquisitions, and how to address...  Continue Reading..
Anaerobic Digestion Now Making More Biological/Financial Sense
Is there value in anaerobic digesters beyond wastewater treatment? According to Nick Bonkoski, a domain leader for anaerobic digestion systems at Suez Water Technologies, the answer is a resounding “Yes.” The insights he shared with Water Talk at WEFTEC 2019 paint a bright ecological and financial landscape of how municipal wastewater treatment plants now incorporate co-digestion of food waste with biosolids to capitalize on excess...  Continue Reading..
New STEPs Minimize Biosolids, Energy, And Installation Costs
When low population density and troublesome topography make traditional gravity sewers cost-prohibitive, septic-tank effluent-pumping (STEP) technology offers an affordable alternative. In this Water Talk discussion, Mike Saunders, market segment leader for engineered systems at Orenco Systems, outlines how to match the right technology to the need. Orenco’s new decentralized liquid-only sewer systems treat septic effluent that is reduced...  Continue Reading..
An Improved Approach To Turnkey Disinfection Solutions
Engineered skid systems provide a compact configuration chemical feed at water and wastewater treatment plants. While these all-in-one metering pump solutions bring tremendous value to their users, traditional platforms have their pitfalls.  Continue Reading..
Adapting To A New Era Of Food Processing
Many food processing facilities operating today were designed and built to accommodate consumer habits of a bygone era. As those commercial markets have evolved, and industry has adapted to the changes, the wastewater plants at those sites are no longer capable of processing the waste generated during production.  Continue Reading..
A Fresh Take On Biological Wastewater Treatment
Improving wastewater treatment efficiency requires some type of change in the physics, biology, or economics of the process. In this Water Talk interview, Jeff Kelly, Red Valve’s senior product manager for the Tideflex Aeration and Mixing System, describes how to change all three — to the tune of a cost-saving 50-percent reduction in applied airflow! The Tideflex approach uses a unique diffuser design to support on/off aeration and...  Continue Reading..
Cutting Sewage Problems Down To Size
For the past 10 to 15 years, wastewater treatment operators have faced increased clogging issues related to baby wipes, disposable diapers, rags, and other foreign debris. At the same time, the use of low-flow toilets has increased the solids concentration of sewage flow. This discussion with Brad Jernigan and Christina Foster from Pentair addresses differences between how grinder pumps (low flow/high head) and chopper pumps (higher flow/lower...  Continue Reading..
New Technology Stretches Wastewater Infrastructure
Population growth, stricter regulations, and increased energy costs continue to exert significant pressure on municipal wastewater operations. But rather than investing in tired, old solutions such as the construction of additional concrete tanks, water system managers are seeking new ways to stretch the limits of their infrastructure.  Continue Reading..
Advanced Sewage Grinders Reduce Wastewater Burden
Reducing the solids coming into wastewater facilities is a daily grind for plant managers, but advanced technology is making it easier on those professionals.  Continue Reading..
Fixing Aging Infrastructure With Minimal Disruption
Coping with service or repairs to aging pipeline infrastructure without disrupting customers is always a challenge. Chris Vazzana of Hydra-Stop has a better idea that includes the use of insertion valves, which enable water utilities to install a permanent valve into a live water main without ever shutting down the line. His discussion with the Water Talk moderators at WEFTEC 2019 details how the initial perception of insertion valves as a...  Continue Reading..