• Ever since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) was signed on November 15, 2021, the question of implementation of the Build America, Buy America (BABA) requirement has lingered for manufactured products. There is still no definitive guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or the U.S. EPA as of this writing.

  • With increased pressure for smarter infrastructure, the ability to quickly change direction and integrate processes across stakeholders has emerged as a trend "needed at every level of the infrastructure ecosystem."

  • Thomas Schumann is the founder of Thomas Schumann Capital. He is a sustainability pioneer and expert for water security investment and financial products, and a recent speaker at the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York from March 22nd (World Water Day) to the 24th.

  • Piping professionals must have a deep understanding of their systems and operation processes to prepare for those days when the unexpected occurs, and the surprise is not particularly pleasant. 

  • Before environmental concerns became a staple of urban planning, industrial sites dominated waterfront properties in American cities. For decades, factories used urban waterways to dispose of pollutants. As environmental awareness grew, however, those sites were abandoned, but the toxic aftermath lingered. But new funding and technology are both available now to remedy that risk.

  • The time has come to stop thinking about port projects in the same way we once did. Everything has changed. And with an abundance of funding, port projects in 2023 will include many new components.

  • The U.S. EPA rang in 2023 with a new program designed to provide funding for critical water infrastructure projects. Now, the EPA is providing loans to state financing authorities, which are also known as state revolving fund programs.

  • Projects in the water environment industry typically span from one to several years and require, with few exceptions, a fixed-price bid from contractors. When establishing a product’s price, contractors must carefully consider the risks involved with possible unanticipated cost increases that may occur over the length of the project.

  • Milton Friedman once said, "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there'd be a shortage of sand." While cynical, many folks believe in the underlying sentiment of these words. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, nobody doubts the tremendous influence the federal government will exert over our industry in the coming years. Not since the Great Depression has such a focused, targeted investment in infrastructure been attempted or funded. Therefore, what can we do to ensure this period of intense investment achieves maximum impact? How can even the most cynical among us help the federal government avoid Mr. Friedman's prediction? As a manufacturer, I believe there are three things we can do to help.
  • Digital payment platforms improve the efficiency of collections and related labor practices, but their greatest benefit may be enhancing utility-customer relations.


  • Take Control Of Your Water Distribution Network With Digitalization And Remote Monitoring

    Any process plant constantly generates a high volume of status data. Today, this data can be extracted from the plant, stored, analyzed, and prepared to meet operator needs and lower marginal costs.

  • Raven-Eye 2

    The Telog Raven-Eye 2 is a flowmeter that delivers a flexible contactless monitoring solution using radar technology for accurate measurement of velocity, level and flow. When combined with the battery powered Telog Ru-35 recorder you can create a leading and flexible IoT solution for your utility.

  • SCADA Integration, HMI Development And Controls & Automation Upgrades

    Aquatech’s WMS field service staff has extensive experience in developing solutions to today’s modern controls advances and integration issues. We can provide support as well as parts for upgrading your PLC , troubleshooting PLC/HMI problems, integrating new equipment into your control scheme, or even engineering an advanced control system to replace antiquated equipment. We specialize in water treatment systems, but have the capability to serve any industry.

  • Process Automation

    Festo is a leading global manufacturer of automation technology including systems, components, and controls for process control and factory automation solutions.

  • Optimizer™ Growth Study Tool

    The Optimizer™ Growth Study Tool was developed to help utilities get a better understanding of their existing network capacity and scope for growth and to assist in assessing developer inquiries for new connections.


Due to the Revised Lead and Copper Rule and the (eventual?) passing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), utilities are now required and incentivized to better assess and replace lead pipes within their networks.