• When Rifat Salim came to the United States from Pakistan as a young girl with her mother and siblings to reunite with her father after years of being a part, one of the first places he suggested they visit is Coney Island, a famous beach and amusement park destination in Brooklyn, New York City that’s visited by more than 5 million people annually.

  • The official 2023 hurricane season forecasts were just released, and while the Atlantic may see an average storm season this year, a busier-than-normal season is forecast in the eastern Pacific, meaning heightened risks for Mexico and Hawaii.

  • Heavy downpours and a thick snowpack in the Western mountains and Upper Midwest have put communities in several states at risk of flooding this spring — or already under water. Help is coming, as Congress has authorized billions of dollars for infrastructure projects under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021. But there's a problem: New infrastructure planning frequently relies on historical flood patterns for its benchmarks rather than forecasts of changing risks as the climate warms.

  • Renewable Water Resources looks to remote alarm notification software to improve efficiency and avert problems.
  • Greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. As a result, climate change occurs, significantly affecting water resources by intensifying the water cycle, which in turn causes more severe rainfall, flooding, and droughts in various regions.
  • A meteorologist with the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes at the University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography explains how 2023’s storms compare to past extremes, and what to expect in the future.

  • A culture of safety in the workplace is created by implementing safety policies and procedures, providing training and education, and fostering a positive safety climate.

  • The UN 2023 Water Conference, one of the most significant water events of this or any year, was held March 22-24 at UN Headquarters in New York, co-hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Tajikistan, with online attendance from around the world pushing attendance to 10,000. During the conference, more than 700 commitments to “driving transformation from a global water crisis to a water-secure world” were made as part of the Water Action Agenda — what the UN called its “key outcome.”

  • The UN Climate Conference (COP27) might be over, but it’s time to see if leaders will act on the commitments they made at the event. Many agreements emerged from the two-week summit, with countries committing to creating loss and damage funds, holding institutions and businesses accountable, providing financial support for developing countries, and limiting warming to 1.5°C. But what precisely are some countries holding themselves accountable to accomplish? Here are some of the top COP27 initiative takeaways by region of the world.

  • After three years of extreme drought, the Western U.S. is finally getting a break. Mountain ranges are covered in deep snow, and water reservoirs in many areas are filling up following a series of atmospheric rivers that brought record rain and snowfall to large parts of the region. Many people are looking at the snow and water levels and asking: Is the drought finally over?


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