• Lead Service Line (LSL) Software Platform

    BlueConduit’s lead service line (LSL) machine learning predictive modeling platform reduces cost, increases efficiency, increases equity and supports healthy, thriving communities.

  • leadCAST Predict

    leadCAST predict is an additional feature of  the leadCAST LCRR compliance management solution that muses a machine learning model coupled with your inventory data to generate predictions of service line material.

  • Understanding The White House's Get The Lead Out Partnership, With One Of Its Participants

    In late January, the White House welcomed over 100 organizations for the launch of the Biden-Harris Get the Lead Out Partnership, which seeks replacement of 100% of the nation’s lead service lines (LSLs) in 10 years. The organizations that were on hand come from various sectors, but all have a vested interest in ‘getting the lead out’ and improving water quality for consumers, and all have partnered with the Administration to achieve the lofty goal of complete LSL removal.

  • Develop An Accurate Lead Service Line Inventory & Replacement Plan With BlueConduit

    BlueConduit helps to determine the scale of lead service lines that remain in a distribution system in order to accurately plan capital outlay, secure funds, and pace the replacement work. 

  • SWORDFISH: Buried Lead Pipe Detection

    SWORDFISH is the world’s first hand-held buried lead pipe detection tool using an 18V battery with automatic system for cable feed in pipe diamters from ½ to 3 inches (12mm - 76mm).


Learn how the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department had its eyes opened to data points that allowed them to be more cost-effective, faster, and more efficient in replacing lead service lines. 


The U.S. EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), a mandate for drinking water utilities and pipeline products manufacturers to reduce the public’s exposure to lead, received increased scrutiny following the 2014 lead crisis in Flint, MI, leading to new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) which take effect in 2020. Although the LCR has been updated numerous times, the most recent requirements demand a level of action unprecedented since the LCR's initial implementation in 1991. Under the LCRR, utilities must have programs in place for tap-sampling, corrosion control treatment (CCT), lead service line replacement (LSLR), consumer communication, and public education. LCRR will affect almost all aspects of utility operations (treatment, distribution, labor, financial planning, consumer outreach, etc.) to varying and often complex degrees. This information hub will provide LCRR guidance, news, and analysis to facilitate compliance, answering questions such as: What is the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for lead and copper? Who is responsible for the lead service line (LSL)? Which chemicals provide corrosion control? When do Lead and Copper Rule Revisions take effect?

If you have a question not answered here, send an email to editor@wateronline.com.