Case Study

Western Virginia Water Authority Makes Asset Management Software Work for Everyone


Better Asset Data for Modeling

As the Infrastructure Asset Manager at the Western Virginia Water Authority, Jim O’Dowd has responsibility for planning, managing, direction setting, and administration of the Asset Management Program for the Authority’s water distribution and wastewater collection systems. These are made up of around 1,000 miles of sewer and 1,200 miles of water mains that serve over 200,000 people in Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Botetourt County and Franklin County, 240 miles southwest of Washington DC. Jim uses InfoAsset Manager and InfoAsset Mobile software to manage the Authority’s asset management and work order system, and InfoWorks WS Pro, IWLive Pro and InfoWorks ICM for water and sewer hydraulic modeling.

After the Authority bought InfoWorks software to model wastewater collection and water distribution, it became clear that they also needed an asset management program to introduce quality control for mapping to prepare data for the models. This led the Authority to buy InfoAsset Manager and InfoAsset Mobile in 2009 to improve the way they acquired and updated asset data across the water and sewer networks.


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